1.1. Saint Lupo of Troyes nato a Ieul, Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France, abt 383 A.D.; + 478 A.D.. San Lupo di Troyes Vescovo
29 luglio
Toul, Alsazia, 383 c. - 479

Nato a Ieul, Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France, intorno al 383, Lupo si fece monaco nell'abbazia di L่rins dopo aver distribuito ai poveri tutti i suoi beni. Eletto vescovo di Troyes nel 426, difese la cittเ dalla furia devastatrice degli Unni e combatt่ strenuamente la pullulante eresie aria. Il martirologio romano nel ricordo romano ne ricorda la "deposizione" il 29 luglio, giorno in cui la Chiesa Beneventana ne ha sempre celebrato la memoria. Il culto di san Lupo, in Benevento e nella sua diocesi, risale almeno al IX-X secolo. Giเ nel IX secolo esisteva in Benevento una badia benedettina intitolata al suo nome, i cui abati esercitavano giurisdizione spirituale e temporale sul villagio fortificato di san Lupo (arcidiocesi e provincia di Benevento).
Quando, nel 1450, papa Niccol๒ V soppresse la badia, i beni e la agiurisdizione di essa furono annessi al capitolo metropolitano, che da quel tempo onora il santo vescovo trecense come suo insigne patrono.
Patrono di san Lupo (BN) che lo venera dal 27 al 29 luglio con la processione del grano. Fonte: www.diocesidibenevento.org

“Fu S. Lupo Nobilissimo Cittadino della Cittเ di Ieul vicina a Metz di Lorena, e suo Padre si chiam๒ Epirochio di Sangue illustre, quale del 448 condotto a Roma Sisulfo suo figliolo minore, al servigio di Maroveo Re di Francia fu dedicato, qual accogliendolo in Casa sua, l'honor๒ di vantaggio, in riguardo della sua Nobiltเ. Del titolo di suo Scudiere, carica in quel tempo delle principali di Corte; lasci๒ Lupo giovane anch'esso, ma con affettuoso spirito di paterno amore, ad un suo Zio raccomandollo, quale di lui con vigilante prontezza, hebbe particolare cura: che allo studio delle Lettere s'applicasse procur๒, nelle quali molto profitto facendo, divent๒ nell'eloquenza insigne: ่ facil cosa l'imprimere nei cuori di chi vive desideroso di eternal salute l'Amor Divino, e strada evangelica, punti principali per conseguire la vera perfettione: i figli, che nell'etเ puerili si essercitano (sic) nelle virt๙ Christinae sono i diletti del Creatore: gionto all'etเ conveniente deliber๒ congiongersi col volere di Dio in matrimonio, ma prima di venir all'effetto, pens๒ di trovar Donna in tutta confacente al suo genio, cio่ timorata di Dio (่ il timor di Dio un vaso, che in s่ rachiude ogni virt๙ Christiana็ consideratione che dovrebbe essere il primo motivo all'huomo che desidera ammogliarsi: alli animi virtuosi ่ pi๙ caro l'unitเ de' voleri che l'unione de' corpi). Una Sorella di Sant'Hilario vescovo d'Arli prese per moglie, honestissima, & al culto di Dio intenta, colla quale visse sette anni con sommo contento dell'Anima sua (...) , dopo per pi๙ perfettamente potere accendersi nel servire Iddio, di commune consentimento tra loro si divisero, tutti i gusti del senso, e vanitadi del Secolo, lasciando da parte, la Casa, i Parenti, e gli Amici abbandon๒ Lupo (...) & al Monastero Lirinese, che in quel temo fioriva, si trsfer์; in opinione di molti Santo, per essere addottrinato, e da Santo Honorato.”
da Ippolito Calandrini "Il publio Svezzese" Parma 1653

= Pimeniola , * 400 A.D..


2.1. Hilaire virus nob. Langres (Ilario) * abt 420 A.D..

= Quieta


3.1. Anthemius

= [--?--]


4.1. Jean

4.2. Hilaire

4.3. Jean


3.2. son of Hilaire virus nob. Langres and Quieta * 455 A.D..

= daughter of and Celinia figlia di Aemilius virus nob. Laon e Celinia , * 445 A.D..


4.4. N brother of Loup bishop of Soissons

= Genebald bishop of Laon

4.5. Hilaire heritier de Remi

4.6. Lupus bishop of Soissons 511-532 AD * 475 A.D.; + 532 A.D.. Fu nipote del grande San Remigio, che lo ricord๒ nel testamento, come suo erede. Anch'egli ebbe giurisdizione episcopale, a Soissons. Mori verso il 535.

= [--?--]


5.1. Pretextat of Reims * Reims (Rheims, France), abt 465 A.D..

= [--?--] * Reims (Rheims, France), abt 495 A.D.;


6.1. Hilaire (Ilaria) (Heritiere de Remi)

6.2. Lupus bishop of Chalons 535 AD + aft 535 A.D..

6.3. Principius bishop of Meaux abt 540 AD + aft 540 A.D..

6.4. Parovius of REIMS * Reims (Rheims, France), abt 495 A.D..

= Princess of THURINGIA figlia di Boderic Co-King of (Baderic) THURINGIA , * abt 500 A.D..


7.1. Magnulf Bishop of Toulouse abt 585 (Magnulfo) (count of Austrasie 575 AD)

7.2. Ingoberge * Paris, Seine, France, 519 A.D.; + 589 A.D.. Ingoberg was an early wife of King Charibert of Paris who, after complaining to her husband about his infatuation with two of his servants, was dismissed. She was the mother of Adelberg, who married King ฦthelberht of Kent.

= Caribert I (Charlibert) (King of Paris - 561-567) figlio di Clothaire I ('the Old') (King of Soissons - 511-558 & King of Austrasia - 555-558 & King of the Franks - 558-561) , * Paris, Seine, Ile-de-France, France, 520 A.D.; * 525 A.D.; + Paris 7 mag 567 A.D.; sep. Abbaye de St.Vin, Paris, Seine, Franconie.


8.1. Clotild. In Poitiers, from 589 to 590, Clotild and her cousin Basina led a revolt against the Abbess Leubovera. The revolt grew so large that the King Guntram of Burgundy and King Childebert II of Austrasia asked bishops from their kingdoms to handle it, since Count Macco of Poiters could not. And so, Ebregisel, Bishop of Cologne, Maroveus, Bishop of Poitiers, Saint Gregory, Bishop of Tours, and Gundegisel, Bishop of Bordeaux passed judgement to restore the Abbess to her position and to excommunicate both Basina and Clotild. In 590, they were both pardoned by the king and recommunicated by the bishops, but Clotild refused to live in the nunnery as long as the Abbess was there, so she spent the rest of her days in a country estate given to her by King Guntram.

8.2. Berthefled. Berthefled was a nun at Poiters at the same time as the revolt of 589-90 led by her sister Clotild and her cousin Basina against the Abbess and settled by the kings and bishops of Gaul.

8.3. Berthe of Paris (Aldeberge) * 548 A.D.; + 580 A.D..

= Saint ฦthelbehrt I (King of Kent - 564-616) figlio di Eormenric (King of Kent - 540-564) , * Kent, England, 545 A.D.; + Kent 24 FEB 615/616; sep. Abbey Church at Canterbury - Canterbury, England.


9.1. Eadbald (King of Kent - 616-640) * Kent, England, 578 A.D.; + 20 gen 640 A.D.. King of Kent 606-640 - Eadbald succeeded his successful father, ฦthelberht, as King of Kent on his death in 616. He remained pagan through the reign of his father, and when his father died he followed the custom of marrying his father's widow (in this case his mother). He was finally converted by Archbishop Laurentius of Canterbury. During his reign, Eadbald arranged the marriage of his sister ฦthelburga to King Edwin of Northumbria, ceased to live with his mother, and married the Frankish Emma. When he died in 640, he was succeeded by his son Erkenberht.

= Emma de Neustria figlia di Clothaire II (King of Soissons - 584-613 & King of the Franks - 613-629) , * Neustria, France, 600 A.D.; + 648 A.D..


10.1. Eormenred (Under-King of Kent) * Kent, England, 615 A.D..

10.2. Earcombryth (Earconbert) (Erconbert) (King of Kent - 640-664) * Kent, England, 617 A.D.; + 14 giu 664 A.D.. Said by the venereable Bede to be the first English King to order the destruction of Idols throughout his kingdom. He also ordered everyone to observe lenten fasts.

= Sexburge of Mercia figlia di Pybba (Wibba) (King of Mercia - 593-606) e Feargna Mumhain , * 615 A.D..


11.1. Earcongota (King of Kent) * 639 A.D..

11.2. Ecgbert I (King of Kent - 664-673) * Kent, England, 640 A.D.; + 4 lug 673 A.D..

= Sexburga of East Anglia figlia di ฦnna (King of East Anglia - 635-654) e Saewara of East Anglia , * East Anglia, England, 623 A.D..


12.1. Eadric (King of Kent) * 662 A.D.; + 687 A.D..

12.2. Withraed (King of Kent) * Kent, England, 664 A.D.; + 725 A.D..

= Ethelburge * Kent, England, 690 A.D..


11.3. Eormengild of Kent * 641 A.D.; + 682 A.D.


10.3. Saint Eanswythe (Abbess of Folkestone) * Kent, England, 621 A.D..

10.4. Lothar of Kent (Hlothere) (Clothaire) * Kent, England, 622 A.D..

= [--?--]


10.5. Mildred (Miltrude) (Abbess of Lyminge). Mildred's mother was her father's step-mother, or her grandfather's wife.


9.2. ฦthelburga of Kent * Kent, England, 579 A.D.; + 647 A.D.. ฦthelburga was the daugter of the famous Kentish king ฦthelberht and wife of the famous Northumbrian king Edwin.

= ฦdwin of Deira (Edwin) (King of Northumbria - 616-632) figlio di ฦlle of Deira (Elle) (Ulli) (Aelli) (Aeli) , * 578 A.D.; + Hatfield Moor, England, 14 ott 633 A.D..


10.6. Ethelhun of Deira * 601 A.D..

10.7. Ethelthryth of Deira * 602 A.D..

10.8. Wuscfrea of Deira * 603 A.D..

10.9. Eanfleda of Deira * 606 A.D..

= Oswiu (King of Bernicia) + 671 A.D..


7.3. Lupus duc de Champagne 575-81 AD * 525 A.D.; + aft 590 A.D..

= [--?--] * 550 A.D..


8.4. Jean duc de Champagne 590 AD * 550 A.D.; + aft 590 A.D..

= [--?--]


9.3. N de Gascony and Aquitaine

= [--?--]


10.10. N de Gascony and Aquitaine * 610 A.D..

= [--?--]


11.4. Lupus or Lupone duc de Gascony and Aquitaine 673-6 AD Vir nobilis de Loiret * 635 A.D.; + aft 676 A.D.. 'Mediante viro illustri Lupone duce per iussionem prefati gloriosi prinicipis Childerici" (MHG, Conc. Aeu, Merov. , p. 215) Citato da C. Settipani "La noblesse du midi carilingien"

= [--?--] * 660 A.D..


12.3. N de Gascogne and Aquitane * 660 A.D..

= [--?--]


10.11. Saint Lupus Bishop of Limoges 631 AD + aft 631 A.D.


9.4. Lupus Bishop of Troyes beginning of VII century


8.5. Romulf count of Poitier-Tours Bishop of Reims 590 AD * 550 A.D.; + 593 A.D..


7.4. Betton of ORLEANS * 525 A.D.; * abt 525 A.D.; + aft 555 A.D..

= Austregilde Aiga of Orleans figlia di Pastor of Orleans , * 530 A.D.; * abt 530 A.D.; + aft 555 A.D..


8.6. Richomer Patrician of (Ricomere) BURGUNDY * Bourgogne, Marne, Champagne, France, 538 A.D.; + 607 A.D..

= Gertrudis de Moselle or Garitrude Abbess of HAMAGE figlia di Theodobald I King of the BAVARIANS , * Moselle, Austrasia, 543 A.D.; + dic 649 A.D..


9.5. Gerberge von Franconia * Franconia, Germany, 574 A.D.; + 646 A.D..

= Laetharius (Ega d'Alsace) (Duc d'Alsace) figlio di Erchenaud Erchinoald de Moselle (Mayor of the Palace) , * Alsace-Lorraine, France, 580 A.D.; + 646 A.D..


10.12. Dgt. of Leutharius of France * abt 570 A.D..

= NN3 of Dijonnais figlio di ____ ____ e Dgt. of Desire of Dijonnais


11.5. Didon Bishop of Poitiers

= Ansoud of Dijon figlio di Syagrius Count of Albi , * abt 583 A.D..


11.6. Sigrada d'Alsace (Sigrade) * Moselle River Valley, Austrasia, France, 592 A.D.; * abt 601 A.D.; + aft 677 A.D.; + Soissons, Aisne, Ile-de-France, France, 4 ago 678 A.D..

= Bodilon de Treves figlio di of Garnier de Treves (Son) e of Gondoaldus Agilulfus de Meldorum (Daughter) (de Meaux) , * Poitiers, Bourgogne, France, 595 A.D.; + aft 643 A.D..


12.4. Guerin de Treves (Warinus) (Comte de Poitiers) , Count of Paris * Moselle River Valley, Austrasia, France, 610 A.D.; + Poitiers, Vienne, Poitou, France, 677 A.D.. Warinus's parentage is uncertain. He was the brother of St. Leger, bishop of Autun, who died in 677.

= [--?--] * Poitiers, Vienne, Poitou, France, 632 A.D..

= Gunza von Metz (Kunza) figlia di Saint Clodulf (Bishop of Metz) , * Metz, Austrasia, 636 A.D.; + France.

12.5. Saint Legar (Leodegar) (Bishop d'Auten) * Autun, Saone-et-Loire, Bourgogne, France, 615 A.D.; + Sarcing, Somme, 678 A.D.. St. Leodegar was the Bishop of Autun, b. about 615; d. a martyr in 678, at Sarcing, Somme. His mother was called Sigrada, and his father Bobilo. His parents being of high rank, his early childhood was passed at the court of Clotaire II. He went later to Poitiers, to study under the guidance of his uncle, the bishop of that town. Having given proof of his learning and virtue, and feeling a liking for the priestly life, his uncle ordained him deacon, and associated him with himself in the government of the diocese. Shortly afterwards he became a priest and with the bishop's approval withdrew to the monastery of St. Maxentius in 650. He was soon elected abbot and signalized himself by reforming the community and introducing the Rule of St. Benedict. In 656 he was called to the court by the widowed Queen Bathildis to assist in the government of the kingdom and in the education of her children. In reward for his services he was named to the Bishopric of Autun in 610. He again undertook the work of reform and held a council at Autun in 661. It dealt a crushing blow to Manichๆism and was the first to adopt the Creed of St. Athanasius. He made reforms among the secular clergy and the religious communities, and he impressed on all pastors the importance of preaching and of administering the sacraments, especially baptism. For this purpose the bishop had three baptisteries erected in the town. The church of Saint-Nazaire was enlarged and embellished, and a refuge established for the indigent. Leodegar also caused the public buildings to be repaired and the old Roman walls to be restored. The latter still exist and are among the finest specimens preserved. Serious trouble soon arose in the state. The Austrasians demanded a king and young Childeric II was sent to them through the influence of Ebroin, the mayor of the palace in Neustria. The latter was practically a ruler and desired to get rid of all who thwarted his plans. The queen withdrew from the court to an abbey she had founded at Chelles, near Paris. On the death of Clotaire III, in 670, Ebroin raised Thierry to the throne, but Leodegar and the other bishops supported the claims of his elder brother Childeric, who, by the help of the Austrasians and Burgundians, was eventually made king. Ebroin was exiled to Luxeuil and Thierry sent to St. Denis. Leodegar remained at court, guiding the young king. When the bishop protested against the marriage of Childeric and his first cousin, he also was sent to Luxeuil, his enemies representing him to the king as a conspirator. Childeric II was murdered at Bondi in 673, by a Frank whom he had maltreated. Thierry 111 now ascended the throne in Neustria, making Leudesius his mayor. Leodegar and Ebroin hastened from Luxeuil to the court. In a short time Ebroin caused Leudesius to be murdered and became mayor. He vowed vengeance on the bishop, whom he looked on as the cause of his imprisonment. About 675 the Duke of Champagne and the Bishops of Chalons and Valence stirred up by Ebroin, attacked Autun. To save the town, Leodegar surrendered to them. He was brutally treated and his eyes put out, the sockets being seared with red-hot irons. Ebroin's bloodthirsty instincts were not yet satiated; he caused the holy bishop's lips to be cut off and his tongue to be torn out. Some years later he persuaded the king that Childeric had been assassinated at the instigation of Leodegar. The bishop was seized again, and, after a mock trial, was degraded and condemned. He was led out into a forest by Ebroin's order and murdered. His testament drawn up at the time of the council as well as the Acts of the council, are preserved. A letter which he caused to be sent to his unit her after his mutilation is likewise extant. His relics, which had been at Sarcing in Artois, were translated to the Abbey of St. Maxentius at Poitiers in 782. Later they were removed to Rennes and thence to Ebreuil, which place took the name of Saint-Léger. Some of them are still kept in the cathedral of Autun and the Grand Séminaire of Soissons. In 1458 Cardinal Rolin caused his feast day to be observed as a holiday of obligation.

12.6. Adele de Treves * Treves, Rhone, Rhone-Alpes, France, 618 A.D..

= Albéric d'Austrasie figlio di Hugues d'Austrasie , * Bavaria, Germany, 615 A.D..

12.7. Immachilde de Burgundie (Himnechilde) (Chimmechild) * Metz, Austrasia, 620 A.D.; + France 670 A.D..

= Saint Sigebert III (King of Austrasia - 634-656) figlio di Dagobert I (King of Austrasia - 623-632 & King of the Franks - 629-639) e Régintrude d'Austrasia (Raintrude) (Rogentrude) , * Aquitaine, France, 620 A.D.; + France 1 FEB 655/656.

= [--?--]


10.13. Erchembaldus d'Alsace (Duc d'Alsace) (Comté de Péronne) * Alsace-Lorraine, France, 590 A.D.; + 661 A.D..

= Leudefindis de Moselle * France 594 A.D.; + 688 A.D..


11.7. Lendisius d'Alsace (Duc d'Alsace) * Alsace, Lorraine, France, 620 A.D..

= [--?--] * Alsace-Lorraine, France, 645 A.D..


12.8. Adalric d'Alsace ) (Eticho I von Nordgau) (Dux von Elsas (d'Alsace) * Alsace-Lorraine, France, 645 A.D.; + France 20 FEB 689/690.

= Berswinde d'Austrasie (Bersvinda) figlia di Saint Sigebert III (King of Austrasia - 634-656) e Immachilde de Burgundie (Himnechilde) (Chimmechild) , * Metz, Austrasia, France, 653 A.D.; + 700 A.D..


9.6. Bertrude de Burgundie * France 582 A.D.; + France 618 A.D..

= Clothaire II (King of Soissons - 584-613 & King of the Franks - 613-629) figlio di Chilperic I (King of Neustrie - 561-584 & Paris - 568-584) e Fredegonda de Camberic , * Soissons, Aisne, Picardy, France, mag 584 A.D.; + Paris, Seine, France, 18 ott 629 A.D..


10.14. Dagobert I (King of Austrasia - 623-632 & King of the Franks - 629-639) * Austrasia 603 A.D.; + Seine-St-Denis, Ile-de-France, France, 19 JAN 638/639. King of Austrasia, King of France, Greatest of Merovingian Kings - Dagobert I, King des Francs. Born: in 603, son of Clotaire=Chlothar II, King de Soissons and Bertrude, Some sources assert that Dagobert I was born in the year 606. Note - between 623 and 629: Dagobert I became King of Austrasie in 623 and King of the Franks in 629. At the age of about 25 years, Dagobert, son of Clotaire II and of Bertrade, takes over the succession without difficulty. He must first determine the fate of his half-brother Charibert (son of Queen Sichilde), for whom his uncle Brodulf wanted to yield at least Neustria. Dagobert does not cimply and purely eliminate his half-brother, but he sends him to Aquitaine by yielding to him the cities of Saintes, Perigeux, Toulouse, Cahors, Agen and the countryside between Garonne and the Pyrenees whose residents had taken advantage of the troubles in the kingdom to ally themselves with the Basques. Dagobert wins Dijon and also Saint-Jean-de-Losne where he lives for a few days and meets out justice. The day of his departure from Losne to Chalon, as he bathes before sunrise, he has Brodulf, Uncles of his half-brother Charibert, assassinated, the murder being executed by two of Dagobert's sons and the patrician Guillebaud. In 630, he negotiates a Treaty with the Emperor of Byzantium, Heraclius, a perpetual peace through the intermediary of his envoys, Servais and Paterne. Upon his return to Paris, Dagobert repudiates his wife Gomatrude, sister of Queen Sichilde, herself married to the deceased Clotaire II, Dagobert's father. He immediately, in 631, marries Nanthilde, a simple housekeeper. The reign of Nantilde lasts only a few years. Dagobert surrounds himself with other women, Vulfegonde, then Berthilde, finally Raintrude, an Austrasian, whom he took as concubine in the eighth year of his reign. He was skillfully taught and supported by his Ministers Saint Eloi [who was Dagobert's treasurer and then became Bishop after Dagobert died] and Dadon [alias Saint Ouen, who became Bishop of Rouen in 641 and who was instrumental in the founding of several monasteries including those of Saint-Wandrille, Rebais, and of Jumieges]. He fought the Austrasians and gave them his son, Sigebert, as next king at age 3 [in fact the Bishop of Cologne and a Duke will govern in his name] . With the Austrasian armies and the support of the Saxons and the Lombards, Dagobert overwhelms the Wendes [Slavic resident of the area between the Oder, the Elbe and the superior branch of the Danube] at Wogalisbourg (in Styria, near Gratz) in 632]. He fought the Gascons, the Slavs and the Saxons. He was the last direct Merovingien King, he was able to delay the dissolution of the Frankish Empire. In December of 638, Dagobert is stricken with an intestinal disease in his domaine of Epinay-sur-Seine, and trusts his Mayor of Neustria, Aega, the fate of his wife Nanthilde as well as that of his son Clovis II. On 19 January 639, Dagobert has himself transported to Saint-Denis, where he dies in one of the buildings adjoing the Basilica. He is the first Monarch of France to have chosen Saint-Denis as the final restiing place. It is there that Saint Denis was martyred in the third century, along with his companions Saint Rustique and Saint Eleuthere. In the fifth century, the Gallo-Roman cemetery was levelled and the basilica built. Married before 626: Gomatrude; Gomatrude was the first of five wives. Married before 629: Ragnetrud d'Austrasie; Ragnetrud was the third of Dagobert I's five wives. Married before 634: Nantechild. Died: in 639. King of Austrasia 623-632 & King of the Franks 629-639 - In 623, Dagobert's father, Chlotar II, King of the Franks, made him king of Austrasia to please the leading Austrasian nobles: Mayor of the Palace Pepin I and Saint Arnulf, Bishop of Metz. When Chlotar died in 629, Dagobert became sole King of the Franks, and he moved his capital from Austrasia to Paris. Later, Dagobert left the council of Pepin for a more flexible Neustrian Mayor of the Palace. In 632, he was forced to put his three-year old son Sigebert on the throne of Austrasia as the nobles were in revolt, however Pepin was not made his Mayor of the Palace. The Neustrian nobles then wished to unite with Burgundy, and so they urged Dagobert to put his son Clovis II as king of both those kingdoms, although he was only 5 years old and could be easily manipulated by the nobles. When Dagobert died in 639, the nobles of the kingdoms controlled both his sons, now puppet kings.

= Régintrude d'Austrasia (Raintrude) (Rogentrude) figlia di Theudebert II d'Austrasia (King of Austrasia) e Bilichilde d'Austrasia (Bellichildis) (Bertoare) , * Metz, Austrasia, 605 A.D..


11.8. Saint Sigebert III (King of Austrasia - 634-656) * Aquitaine, France, 620 A.D.; + France 1 FEB 655/656. Born in 629, son of Dagobert I, King d'Austrasie and Ragnetrud d'Austrasie, Some sources assert that Sigebert III was born in the year 631. Note - between 633 and 656: Sigebert III, son of Dagobert and Ragnetrude, was King of Austrasie from 633/634 [at which time he is only 9 to 10 years of age -- Thus, Pepin le Vieux or de Landen truly reigns as the Major Domo] to 656. He reigned under the tutellage of Pepin of Landen [when Pepin de Landen died in 640, Otto succeeded him] and of Grimoald. In 641, the nobles of Austrasia have Otto assassinated and Grimolad, son of Pepin becames Mayor of the Palace, and the Francs lose their sovereignty over Thuringia. By 643, the Francs would lose all authority over the Allemanians (Germans). Between 644 and 645, after humiliating deafeats against the Thuringians and the Allemanians, Sigebert III, not having any heir, adopts the son of Grimoald and names him Childebert. In 646, Sigebert III's wife gives him a son, Dagobert II, which did not please Grimoald. Ten years later, Sigebert III dies. He was a very pious man and founder of numerous monasteries. He was placed among the rank of the saints by the Church. Married before 652: Immachilde=Himenechilde, Queen d'Austrasie. Died: on 1 February 656 in France. Feast Day Feb. 1; Saint Sigebert, son of Dagobert I and baptized by Saint Amand at Orléans, became king of Austrasia (eastern France) at the age of seven, while his brother Clovis II ruled the western portion of his father's domain. Under the influence of Blessed Pepin of Landen, Saint Cunibert of Cologne, and other saintly souls, the young king grew into pious adulthood. He died at the age of 25. Though not a secular success as a ruler, he was revered as the founder of numerous monasteries (including Stavelot and Malmédy), hospitals, and churches. He founded the monastery of St. Martin at Metz. He is the patron saint of Nancy (Benedictines, Farmer). King of Austrasia 632-656 - In 632, Dagobert I of the Franks, losing Austrasia to his nobles, put his three year old son Sigebert III on the throne, without the infamous Pepin I as his Mayor of Palace, however he was re-instated to the position some years later. In 639, Dagobert died, and the next year Pepin died. His son Grimoald succeeded as Mayor of the Palace, and allowed Sigebert, now 11, to rule independent of the nobles. Grimoald allowed him to lead the Frankish armies against the revolting Thuringian Franks, and he lost. Many years later, in 656, Sigebert died at the age of 27, and his son Dagobert II, three years old, became King of Austrasia.

= Monachilde d'Aquitaine * 630 A.D..

= Immachilde de Burgundie (Himnechilde) (Chimmechild) figlia di Bodilon de Treves e Sigrada d'Alsace (Sigrade) * Metz, Austrasia, 620 A.D.; + France 670 A.D..


12.9. Saint Dagobert II von Metz (King of Austrasia - 674-678) * Metz, Austrasia, France, 652 A.D.; + Woeve Forest, Austrasia, 23 dic 679 A.D.. 655 - Dagobert - "By 655, Rome was in a position to begin dismantling the Merovingian succession and, at that time, the Mayor of the Austrasian Palace [akin to a modern prime minister] was firmly under papal control. When King Sigebert II died, his son Dagobert was only five years old and mayor Grimoald took the first step in the bishops' plan. To begin, he kidnapped Dagobert and had him conveyed to Ireland, to live in exile among the Scots Gaels. Then, not expecting to see the young heir again, Grimoald told Queen Immachilde that her son had died." [Laurence Gardner, Realm Of The Ring Lords] 674 - Dagobert - "Having married his second wife, Gizelle de Razes [a niece of the Visigoth king], Dagobert was reinstated in 674, after an absence of nearly twenty years, and the Roman intrigue was thwarted - but not for long." [Laurence Gardner, Realm Of The Ring Lords] 679 - Dagobert - "Two days before Christmas 679, Dagobert was hunting near Stenay in the Ardennes when he was confronted in the forest and lanced to death - impaled to a tree by a henchman of his own powerful mayor, Pepin the Fat of Herstal. The Church of Rome was quick to approve the assassination and immediately passed the Merovingian administration in Austrasia to the ambitious Pepin. In due course, he was succeeded by his illegitimate son, the well-known Charles Martel, who sustained the Roman endeavour by gaining control of other Merovingian Territories." [Laurence Gardner, Realm Of The Ring Lords] Saint Dagobert was born in 652, son of Sigebert=Sigisbert III, King d'Austrasie and Immachilde=Himenechilde, Queen d'Austrasie. He was the King of Austrasia from 676 to 679. He was exhiled to Ireland by the Mayor-of-the-Palace Grimoald, upon his father's death in 656, and through the cooperation of the bishops of Poitiers and Didon. He married Mathilde of Ireland in 666; Mathilde was his first wife. He married again in 671 to Gisele de Razes, daughter of Bera II, Count de Razes and Gislica, Countess de Razes. In 674, Dagobert II was recalled as King of Austrasie in 674 and fought Thierri III, King of Neustrie. He was assassinated by someone in the family in 680. Dagobert II. King of Austrasia 674-678. When Sigisbert III of Austrasia died in 656, the strong Mayor of the Palace, Grimwald, seized power for himself. He sent away the 8-year old Dagobert II, son of Sigisbert III, to be a monk in Ireland, and put his own son Childebert on the throne. The next year, Grimwald was killed by King Clovis II of Neustria and Burgundy, but Dagobert was not recalled. Finally, in 674, the Austrasian Mayor of the Palace, Ebroin, recalled him. Ebroin enjoyed using the young Merovingian kings as puppets through which he could rule himself, and this is what he sought to do with Dagobert. However, Dagobert, being an educated man of 26 years, began ruling for himself-four years later was killed by Ebroin. Dagobert had been married to a Celtic Princess, who died giving birth to their third girl. He then married a Visigoth Princess who after two girls gave birth to Sigisbert IV. There's more to the story than this (see Holy Blood, Holy Grail). Son of King Saint Sigebert of Austrasia. Upon Sigebert's death in 656 when Dagobert was still a child, the throne was stolen by Dagobert's guardian Gimoald in order to make his own son Childebert king. Dagobert was kidnapped and exiled to Ireland and England where he was placed with Dido, bishop of Portiers. Attended school at the court of the king. Friend of Saint Wilfred of York. Married an English princess, and had several children, two of whom were Saint Irmina and Saint Adela. Fought against Theodercus III.

= Mathilde d'Austrasie (Mechtilde) * 654 A.D.; + 670 A.D..

= Gisele de Razés figlia di Bera II de Razés (Comte de Razés) e Gislica of the Visigoths , * Razes, Haute Vienne, Limousin, France, 653 A.D.; + 676 A.D..

12.10. Berswinde d'Austrasie (Bersvinda) * Metz, Austrasia, France, 653 A.D.; + 700 A.D..

= Adalric d'Alsace ) (Eticho I von Nordgau) (Dux von Elsas (d'Alsace) figlio di Lendisius d'Alsace (Duc d'Alsace) , * Alsace-Lorraine, France, 645 A.D.; + France 20 FEB 689/690.

12.11. Bilihilde von Metz * Metz, Austrasia, France, 654 A.D.; + 675 A.D..

= Childeric II (King of Austrasia - 661-675 & King of the Franks - 673-675) figlio di Clovis II (King of Neustria - 640-657 & King of Burgundy - 640-657) e Saint Balthilda (Queen of the Franks) (Abbess of Chelles) , * Alsace, Lorraine, France, 656 A.D.; + 675 A.D..

12.12. Childebert von Metz * Metz, Austrasia, France, 655 A.D..


11.9. Réginotrude de Neustria * 623 A.D..

= Robert von Wormsgau figlio di Lambert von Wormsgau (Duke of Bavaria) , * 604 A.D.; + 694 A.D..


12.13. Reginotrude von Wormsgau (Glisonothe) * 657 A.D..

= Théodon VII von Bavaria (King of Bavaria - 688) figlio di Grimaldo III von Bavaria e Gonderge di Lombardi , * 650 A.D.; + 708 A.D..


11.10. of Dagobert I (Daughter) * 625 A.D..

= Théodard von Oeren (Bishop of Liege) * Oeren, Flemish Region, Belgium, 620 A.D.; + Liege, Walloon Region, Belgium, aft 660 A.D..


12.14. Irmina von Oeren (Abbess of Oeren) * Liege, Walloon Region, Belgium, 640 A.D.; + Oeren, Flemish Region, Belgium, 706 A.D..

= Hugobert von Ecternach (Prince of Bavaria) figlio di Albéric d'Austrasie e Adele de Treves , * 635 A.D.; + 698 A.D..

= Nanthildis de Neustria figlia di Sandregisisle de Neustria (Sire de Bobigny) , * Neustria, Belgium, 610 A.D.; + 642 A.D..


11.11. Rotilde de France + 648 A.D..

= Lydéric I de Flanders (Forester de Harlebecque) * 625 A.D.; + 676 A.D..


12.15. Bouchard de Flanders (Forester de Harlebecque) * bef 648 A.D.; + 690 A.D..

= Héloïdis de Lorraine figlia di Walchigise de Verdun (Comte de Verdun) ,


11.12. Clovis II (King of Neustria - 640-657 & King of Burgundy - 640-657) * Neustria 634 A.D.; + Connacht, Ireland, 31 ott 657 A.D.. Clovis II, King de Bourgogne, was also called "Chlodovech", King of the Franks and Clovis II, King de Neustrie. He wasbborn: in 634, son of Dagobert I, King d'Austrasie and Nantechild. He married between 643 and 650 in Neustrie, France Sainte Bathilde, a Saxon slave. Bathilde governed while here three sons (Childeric II, Clotaire III and Thierri III) were minors. Her Feast Day is 30 January. Clovis II died between 11 September 657 and 10 November 657 in Connaught, Ireland (he 23 years old when he died). His son, Clotaire III, born in 652 succeeded him. However, since Clothaire III was only 5 years of age at the time, it was Queen Bathilde who reigned with the able hand of the Mayor of the Palace (Major Domo) of Neustria, Ebroin. King of Neustria 639-657 & King of Burgundy 639-657 - Before King Dagobert I of the Franks died, his Neustrian and Burgundian nobles urged a union of those two kingdoms, and do when he died in 639, Clovis II became king of Neustria and Burgundy. In 656, both Grimoald, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia, and his son Childebert who he had placed on the Austrasian throne, were executed. The next year, Clovis II died, leaving the kingdom to his infant son Chlotar III, really just a puppet of the powerful Neustrian and Burgundian nobles.

= Saint Balthilda (Queen of the Franks) (Abbess of Chelles) figlia di Sisoigne d'Ascanie , * Chelles, Neustria, Belgium, 626 A.D.; + Chelles 30 JAN 679/680.


12.16. Chlotar III (King of Neustria - 657-661 & King of the Franks - 657-661) * 655 A.D.; + 661 A.D.. King of Neustria 657-661 & King of the Franks 657-661 - Chlotar III became King of the Franks when he was just an infant when his father Clovis II died in 657. He was just a puppet king to the strong nobles, mainly the Mayor of the Palace Ebroin in Neustria. When he died in 661, he was succeeded by his young brother, Childeric II.

12.17. Childeric II (King of Austrasia - 661-675 & King of the Franks - 673-675) * Alsace, Lorraine, France, 656 A.D.; + 675 A.D.. King of Austrasia 661-675 & King of the Franks 673-675 - Childeric II was a puppet king during the reigns of the powerful Austrasian and Neustrian nobles. In 661, he succeeded his brother, Chlotar III, and became King of all the Franks in 673. He died in 675, probably no more than 16 years old.

= Bilihilde von Metz figlia di Saint Sigebert III (King of Austrasia - 634-656) e Immachilde de Burgundie (Himnechilde) (Chimmechild) , * Metz, Austrasia, France, 654 A.D.; + 675 A.D..

12.18. Theuderic III (Thierry) (King of Neustria - 673-675 & King of the Franks - 675-691) * Neustria 657 A.D.; + France 691 A.D.. Theuderic III, King de Neustrie, was born in 651 in Neustrie, son of Clovis II, King de Bourgogne and Sainte Bathilde. Some sources assert that Thierry III was born in 651 while others claim it was circa 654. Note - between 673 and 690: Thierri III became King of Neustrie upon the death of Clotaire III between 10 March and 15 May 673. The Crown was given him by Ebroin, Major Domo. It is Ebroin's excesses which caused the Greats [Optimates] to rebel in 674 and to call upon Childeric II, King of Austrasia for help. Thierri III was de-throned in 674 by Childeric II who died in 675 allowing Thierri III to re-claim the throne. In 674, he was shaven and relegated to Saint-Denis. Ebroin was exiled to the Monastery of Luxeuil [Haute-Saone]. In 676, Thierry III left Saint-Denis to become King of Neustria and of Burgundy with the help of Major Domo Leger. Ebroin, however, first supports Clotaire III, a son of Clovis III, and then he swings to Thierry III. Thierry III for his part is first and foremost King of Neustria and of Burgundy and the Greats [Optimates] of Austrasia want a King of their own. Thus, they find Dagobert II, son of Sigebert III, who had been exiled in Ireland. For all practical purposes, Dagobert II is King of Austrasia, whereas Ebroin rules Neustria and Burgundy in the name of Thierry III. By 680, through the death in 679 of Dagobert II, Thierry III is sole King of Gaule. But in reality the antagonism between the Neustrians and the Austrasians was quite aggravated. Austrasia is at that time governed by the grandson of Pepin de Landen, Pepin II, who makes himself Duke of Austrasia, supported by his brother Martin. In the Summer of 680, the two armies join in battle at Leucofao [known today as Bois-du-Fay] in the Ardennes. The Austrasians are defeated and Pepin escapes. Martin is taken prisoner in Laon, where he had sought refuge. Ebroin had promised to let him live, and of course, he rushed to have him executed. Within 3 years Ebroin is himself assassinated by one Ermenfroy who takes refuge in Austrasia. In 687, Pepin II with the help of the Greats [Optimates] of Neustria, invades Neustria from the North-East. Though Thierry III was vanquished at the Battle of Tertry [three leagues from Saint-Quentin] by Pepin II, the latter still recognized Thierry III as King of Neustrie. He married before 674 Amalberge, daughter of Wandregisis and Farahild. He died between March 691 and April 691. His son Clovis IV succeeded him, though he was barely 9 years of age. Thus, Pepin II [Pepin of Herstal] remained the true ruler. King of Neustria 673-675 & King of the Franks 675-691 - In 673, the young child Theuderic III became puppet king of Neustria, and when his brother Childeric II died in 675, king of all the Franks. In 687, he and the Austrasian Mayor of the Palace were defeated by Pepin II, grandson of Pepin I. He died at a young age in 691, and was succeeded by his son Clovis III.

= Saint Amalaberga de Neustria figlia di Wandregisi de Neustria e Farahild de Neustria , * Neustria, Belgium, 640 A.D..

= Irma * 655 A.D..

= Saint Clotilde d'Heristal von Metz figlia di Ansigisel von Metz e Saint Begga de Landen , * Heristal, Liege, Wallonia, Belgium, 650 A.D.; + 3 giu 692 A.D..


10.15. Charibert II (King of the Aquitaine - 629-632) * Neustria 604 A.D.; + Blaye, Gironde, Aquitaine, France, 8 apr 632 A.D.; sep. St. Romain, Blaye. When his father Chlotar, King of the Franks, died in 629, Charibert became King of Aquitaine and the rest of the kingdom passed to his brother Dagobert I, already king of Austrasia. In 632, the kingdom passed to Dagobert.

= Gisele de Gascony figlia di Arnaud de Gascony , * Gascony, France, 607 A.D..


11.13. Childeric * 631 A.D.; + 8 apr 632 A.D.. Childeric was the son of King Charibert II of Aquitaine. They were both killed in 632, and the kingdom passed to King Dagobert I, his uncle, King of all the Franks.


8.7. Saint Lupus Bishop of Sens 612 AD * 550 A.D.; + Brienon-sur-Armanon, Yonne, France, abt 614 A.D.; sep. Basilica di di S. Colomba e di S. Lupo, Sens, Yonne, Bourgogne, Marne, Aisne, France. La Vita di Lupo, in passato si riteneva appartenesse alla fine dell'VIII secolo, oggi si pensa sia del IX e alcuni critici la giudicano "poco attendibile"; le sue notizie si possono tuttavia utilizzare con grande cautela. Questa Vita racconta che i genitori di Lupo, Bettone e Austregilda. erano nobili orleanesi abitanti sulle rive della Loira. E fanciullo si dimostr๒ scolaro giudizioso e brillante, ed i suoi due zii materni, Austrenio, vescovo di Orl้ans e Aunacario, vescovo di Auxerre, constatando il suo amore per "i precetti del Cristo", lo giudicarono degno degli Ordini sacri. La mortificazione, la pietเ, la caritเ di Lupo provocarono la sua designazione a successore di Artemio di Sens.
I disordini politici dovuti alle successioni merovinge (613), uniti alle calunnie, causarono il suo esilio nel Vimeu; egli stabil์ la sua residenza ad Ansenne, sulla Bresle, oggi un villaggio tra Blangy-sur-Bresle e Camaches, e si mise ad evangelizzare la regione. Il re Clotario II richiam๒ ben presto l'esiliato, chiedendogli perdono ed offrendo moltissimi doni per la chiesa.
La Vita attribuisce a Lupo alcuni miracoli; in particolare un giorno in cui celebrava la Messa a Ordon, oggi Saint-Loup-d'Ordon (Yonne), discese dal cielo, nel calice da lui tenuto, una gemma preziosa. Lupo sarebbe morto a Brienon-sur-Armanon (Yonne) dove ancora esiste una fontana di s. Lupo. Il suo corpo fu riportato a Sens e sulla tomba la mano del Signore moltiplic๒ le guarigioni miracolose.
La lista episcopale di Sens lo cita come diciannovesimo vescovo della sede; il suo predecessore, Artemio, aveva assistito ancora al concilio di Macon del 585 ed egli stesso fu presente a quello di Parigi del 10 ottobre 614, mentre il suo successore, Mederio, assistette a quello di Clichy del 627. Egli volle essere sepolto nella basilica di S. Colomba, a Sens, che ben presto fu chiamata di S. Colomba e di S. Lupo e intorno alla quale sorse un monastero.
Il 23 luglio 853, Gaunilone, arcivescovo di Sens, trasfer์ le reliquie di Lupo nella nuova basilica di cui si celebrava la dedicazione. Nel 1878, il cofano con le reliquie di s. Colomba e, nel 1896, quello di Lupo, contenevano ancora due lembi di un antico tappeto orientale, decorato a medaglioni con leoni rampanti, nel quale un tempo erano state avvolte le reliquie stesse.

= [--?--]


4.7. Principia * 480 A.D..

= Felix Aurelis count of Perigueux figlio di Felicissimus count of Perigueux , * 475 A.D.; + aft 504 A.D..


5.2. Eparchius * 504 A.D.; + 581 A.D..

5.3. brother of Eparchius * 510 A.D..

= [--?--]


6.5. Aurelius

= [--?--]


7.5. nn son of Aurelius

= [--?--] * 760 A.D..


8.8. Aurelius conte de Aragon 806 AD * 760 A.D.; + 809 A.D..

7.6. Gosendes

= Fruela de Cantabria (Conde de Bartulio) figlio di Pierre (Pedro) de Cantabre , * 705 A.D.; * Bardalia, Corsica, France, 730 A.D.; + Cantabria, Corsica, 765 A.D.; + 765 A.D..


8.9. Rodrigo de Frolaz de Castile * 745 A.D..

= [--?--] * 785 A.D..


9.7. Sanche de Mitarra de Castile * 785 A.D..

= [--?--]


8.10. Bermudo I de Castile ('the Deacon') (King of the Asturias) * Castile, Spain, 750 A.D.; + 797 A.D..

= Ursinda Munilona de Coimbra figlia di Atulpho de Coimbra , * Coimbra, Portugal, 754 A.D..


9.8. Ramiro I de Castile (King of the Asturias) * Castile, Spain, 790 A.D.; + FEB 849/850.

= Paterna Sna de Castile * Castile, Spain, 782 A.D..


10.16. Rodrigo de Castile (Conde de Castile) * Castile, Spain, 804 A.D.; + 873 A.D..

= [--?--] * Castile, Spain, 824 A.D..


11.14. Diego Rodriguez Porcelos (Conde de Cantelou) * Castile, Spain, 824 A.D.; + 873 A.D..

= [--?--] * Castille, Spain, 854 A.D..


12.19. Gutina de Castille * Castille, Spain, 854 A.D..

= Fernando Nunez Niger de Castille ('El Castrosiero') * Castille, Spain, 850 A.D..


10.17. Ordono I de Spain (King of the Asturias) * Spain 810 A.D.; + 27 mag 866 A.D..

= Munia de Spain * Spain 812 A.D..


11.15. Alphonso III de Leon ('the Great') (King of the Asturias - 866-910) * Léon, Léon, Spain, 838 A.D.; + 20 dic 910 A.D..

= Jimena Garces de Pamplona figlia di Garcia I Iniguez I (King of Navarre & Aragon) e Uracca de Pamplona , * Pamplona, Navarre, Spain, 842 A.D.; + bef 912 A.D..


12.20. Orduno II de Leon (King of Asuria) (Galicia) (& Leon) * Leon, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 873 A.D.; + 3 JAN 923/924.

= Elvira Menendez de Portugal figlia di Hermenegildo Gutierrez de Portugal (Conde de Coimbra) e Hermesinda Gatonez de Vierzo , * Portugal 882 A.D.; + 921 A.D..


11.16. Nunio de Spain of the Asturias (Munio) * abt 849 A.D.; * Spain 870 A.D.; + aft 870 A.D..

= [--?--] * LIV: abt 1300 B.C.; * Léon, Léon, Spain, 900 A.D..

= [--?--]

= [--?--]


12.21. Vermundo Nunez COUNT OF LEON Bermundo * Léon, Léon, Spain, 900 A.D.; + aft 958 A.D..

= Velasquita Velasquez de Leon figlia di Vela Nuñez de Spain (vedielo) e Todilde de Spain , * Léon, Léon, Spain, 904 A.D.; * abt 910 A.D..

= Theresa Nunio de Coimbra figlia di Ermengild de Coimbra , * Coimbra, Portugal, 820 A.D..


11.17. Nuno de Asturias * Spain 842 A.D..


9.9. Garsia

9.10. Fruela II conte de Galice king of Galice 866 AD * 791 A.D.; + 867 A.D..


8.11. daughter of Fruela de Cantabre * abt 750 A.D..

8.12. Numabela de Cantabria * Cantabria, Corsica, France, 755 A.D..

= Lupus IV Centull de Gascony (Loup) (Duc de Gascony) figlio di Lupus III Centull de Gascony (Loup) (Duc de Gascony) e Toda d'Aragon , * Centulle, Ponthieu, Somme, Picardy, France, 755 A.D.; + 819 A.D..


9.11. Iniga Lupus de Gascony * abt 765 A.D..

= Jimeno chef Gascon 781 de Pamplona (Jimeno Sanchez de Navarre 'El Fuerte') figlio di Jimino of Pamplona * Spain 755 A.D.; * 775 A.D.; + 805 A.D.; + 816 A.D..


10.18. Inigo Iniguez Arista king of Pamplona 825 * 770 A.D.; + 852 A.D..

= Tota or Toda Aznarez figlia di Aznar Galindez I conte d'Aragon abt 809-825 AD (Conde d'Aragon - 809-839) (Comte de Gascogne) (Urgel) (Jaca) (& Cerdagne) e daughter of Lupus de Gascony


11.18. daughter of Inigo Arista de Pamplona * 810 A.D..

= Garcia conte d'Aragon 825 AD "el Malo" figlio di Galindo nobilis Gascony 781 AD e Faquilo , * 790 A.D.; + abt 824 A.D..

11.19. Assona INIGUEZ * abt 810 A.D..

= Musa II al Qasawi Chief of the Banu Qasi "Wali" (Governor of Toledo 841 and Zaragoza 852-862 AD) figlio di Musa I ibn Fortun Chief of the Banu Qasi's "Wali" (Governor de Zaragoza) , * abt 785 A.D.; + 26 set 862 A.D..


12.22. Mutarrif governor of Toledo * 830 A.D.; + 873 A.D..

= Velasquita figlia di Sanchez King of Pamplona 867 AD e N d' (aragon) ____, * 850 A.D.; + aft 870 A.D..

12.23. Aurea

= Garcia de Pamplona figlio di Garcia e Matrona Aznarez , * abt 815 A.D.; + 859 A.D..

12.24. Loup (Lope) (Lupo) (Lupus)

12.25. Fortun

12.26. Muhammad Governor de Toledo "Wali"

= [--?--]


11.20. Garcia I Iniguez king of Pamplona 852 * 811 A.D.; + 882 A.D..

= Urraca de Leon


12.27. Fortun Garces king of Pamplona 882-905 AD "el Monje" * 830 A.D.; + aft 905 A.D..

= Aurea II de Pamplona figlia di Garcia de Pamplona e Aurea , * abt 830 A.D..

12.28. Sanchez King of Pamplona 867 AD * abt 830 A.D.; + aft 872 A.D..

= N d' aragon

12.29. Iniga * 835 A.D..

= Aznar d' Aragon

= Leodegundia de Leon


11.21. Galindo transfugee 844 ad * 815 A.D.; + aft 851 A.D..

= [--?--] * 835 A.D..


12.30. Musa Ben Galindo "Wali" (Governor de Huesca 860-870 AD) * 835 A.D.; + 870 A.D..

= Emir de Huesca


10.19. Garcia Jimenez de Pamplona * Spain 785 A.D..

= [--?--] * Spain 820 A.D..


11.22. Jimeno Garcia * Spain 820 A.D..

= [--?--] * Pamplona, Navarre, Spain, 845 A.D..


12.31. NN Jimenez * abt 835 A.D..

= [--?--]

12.32. Garcia Jimenez de Pamplona (King of Navarre) * Pamplona, Navarre, Spain, 845 A.D.; + 885 A.D..

= Onecca Rebella de Sanguesa (Iniga) * Sanguesa, Spain, 850 A.D.; + bef 884 A.D..

= Dadilde


10.20. Fortun Iniguez * 795 A.D.; + 843 A.D..

10.21. Loup Iniguez (Lupus) (Lupo) (Lope)

= Musa I ibn Fortun Chief of the Banu Qasi's "Wali" (Governor de Zaragoza) figlio di Fortun e Aisha , * 745 A.D.; + 788 A.D..


10.22. Musa II al Qasawi Chief of the Banu Qasi "Wali" (Governor of Toledo 841 and Zaragoza 852-862 AD) * abt 785 A.D.; + 26 set 862 A.D..

= Assona INIGUEZ figlia di Ieligo Jimenez de Larraun-Pampelune * abt 810 A.D..


11.23. Mutarrif governor of Toledo * 830 A.D.; + 873 A.D..

= Velasquita figlia di Sanchez King of Pamplona 867 AD e N d' (aragon) ____, * 850 A.D.; + aft 870 A.D..

11.24. Aurea

= Garcia de Pamplona figlio di Garcia e Matrona Aznarez , * abt 815 A.D.; + 859 A.D..


12.33. Aurea II de Pamplona * abt 830 A.D..

= Fortun Garces king of Pamplona 882-905 AD "el Monje" figlio di Garcia Ier Ieliguez Ieliga e Urraca Gimenez (d'Aragon) de Larraun-Pampelune, * 830 A.D.; + aft 905 A.D..

12.34. Musa de Pamplona * 835 A.D.; + aft 859 A.D..


11.25. Loup (Lope) (Lupo) (Lupus)

11.26. Fortun

11.27. Muhammad Governor de Toledo "Wali"

= [--?--]


12.35. Abd Allah Governor de Toledo "Wali"

12.36. Loup (Lupo) (Lupus) (Lope)


10.23. Lupus Banu Qasi

10.24. Garcia Banu Qasi


9.12. Garcia Lupus count of Dax * abt 770 A.D.; + 816 A.D..

9.13. Sancho Lupus (Duc de Gascony) * Gascony, France, 772 A.D.; + Aragon, Spain, 816 A.D..

= of Aznar Galindez I d'Aragon (Daughter) figlia di Aznar Galindez I conte d'Aragon abt 809-825 AD (Conde d'Aragon - 809-839) (Comte de Gascogne) (Urgel) (Jaca) (& Cerdagne) e daughter of Lupus de Gascony , * Aragon, Spain, 788 A.D..


10.25. Sancho I de Gascony (Duc de Gascony 852 D) * Spain 803 A.D.; + 864 A.D..

= [--?--] * Spain 830 A.D..


11.28. Sancho II de Gascony (Duc de Gascony) (Mitarra?) * Spain 830 A.D..

= Galindez d'Aragon figlia di Galindo Aznarez I d'Aragon (Conde d'Aragon - 844-867) e Guldregut , * Aragon, Spain, 832 A.D..


12.37. Garcia Sanchez de Gascony ('the Curved') (Comte de Gascony) * Gascony, France, 857 A.D.; + Gascony 920 A.D..

= Aminia d'Angouleme (Munia) (Honoured) figlia di Wulgrin I Tallifer de Perigord (vediulgrin) (1st Comte d'Angouleme - 866-886) e Rogelinde d'Rouergue (Rosalinda) (Sancha) , * Angouleme, Charente, Poitou-Charentes, France, 860 A.D..


11.29. Garcia


10.26. Dhuoda de Gascony (Duchess of Septimanie) * Gascony, France, 804 A.D.; + Aft 2 FEB 842/843. Turton has Bernard's wife as Duodene, a daughter of Charlemagne, the marriage date being 824.

= Bernard I de Toulouse (Comte d'Autun et Toulouse) (Margrave de Septimanie) figlio di San Guglielmo (Saint William I d'Autun) ('of the Desert') (Comte de Toulouse) (Margrave de Septimanie) e Witburge von Hornbach (Guitberge) (____) de Gellone, * Autun, Saone-et-Loire, Bourgogne, France, 794 A.D.; + Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, Midi-Pyrenees, France, mag 844 A.D.; sep. St. Sernin, Toulouse.


11.30. Rogelinde d'Rouergue (Rosalinda) (Sancha) * Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, Midi-Pyrenees, France, 825 A.D.; + 3 mag 886 A.D..

= Wulgrin I Tallifer de Perigord (vediulgrin) (1st Comte d'Angouleme - 866-886) figlio di Ulrich I von Argengau (Count of Argengau & Linzgau) e Suzanna de Paris , * Maine, Normandy, France, 820 A.D.; + Angouleme, Charente, Poitou-Charentes, France, 3 mag 886 A.D..


12.38. Aminia d'Angouleme (Munia) (Honoured) * Angouleme, Charente, Poitou-Charentes, France, 860 A.D.. The following is excerpted from a post to SGM, 25 Oct 1999, by Todd Farmerie, which gives some support to the ancestry of Aminiana, although with doubts as to part of it. From - Todd A. Farmerie (taf2@po.cwru.edu) Subject - New article on Toulouse, Rouergue, Comminges, and Carcassonne Newsgroups - soc.genealogy.medieval Date - 1999/10/25 Having said that, there are several interesting genealogical connections found in this work, and summarized in three tables at the end. The author follows the series of tenuous theories which make Amuna, wife of Garcia Sanchez, also his second cousin - as daughter of Vulgin I of Angouleme/Perigord by Roselinde, daughter of Bernard of Septimania, Count of Toulouse by Dhouda, daughter of Sancho Loup, Duke and Prince of Gascony. Each of these connections has been discussed here in the past, with the first and last having been given less-than-glowing reviews.

= Garcia Sanchez de Gascony ('the Curved') (Comte de Gascony) figlio di Sancho II de Gascony (Duc de Gascony) (Mitarra?) e Galindez d'Aragon , * Gascony, France, 857 A.D.; + Gascony 920 A.D..

12.39. Aldoin d'Angouleme (2nd Comte d'Angouleme) * Angouleme, Charente, Poitou-Charentes, France, 866 A.D.; + 27 mar 916 A.D..

= [--?--]

12.40. Guillaume I de Perigord (Comte de Perigord) * Perigord, Dordogne, Aquitaine, France, 868 A.D.; + 920 A.D..

= Regelinde de Paris figlia di Robert IV de Blois (Duc de France) (Count in the Wormgau) "le Fort" e Adela de Tours ,


11.31. Aton Trencavel d'Albi (vediicomte de Rouergue) * Sauveterre de Rouergue, Languedoc, France, 830 A.D.; + Albi, Tarn, Languedoc, aft 867 A.D.. The following is excerpted from a post to soc.genealogy.medieval, 23 Nov 2001, by Nathaniel Taylor. From - Nathaniel Taylor (ntaylor@post.harvard.edu) Subject - Trencavel Newsgroups - soc.genealogy.medieval Date - 2001-11-23 13:34:39 PST Responding to Rania's interest, the following is the Trencavel agnate lineage, as represented in tables by the Catalan genealogist Armand de Fluvia i Escorsa in two tables (s.v. ?Nimesฃ and ?Carcasonaฃ) in the multi-volume _Gran enciclopedia catalana_. I present it here as the Trencavel dynasty isnฃt easily found in other compilations. Note the odd numbering conventions: numbers are consecutive in various viscounties, applied to repetitions of two names together, not separately. This family, like that of the counts of Toulouse, was dispossessed in the wake of the Albigensian Crusade. I make no claim to accuracy, but itฃs a start. 1. Ato I, d. after 867, vc Rouergue ? Aissena; issue: ... Bernat I, d. after 918, vc Albi, who follows. ... Bigo I, vc. Tououse ... Ato I, vc. Toulouse ? Ava (of Auvergne?); their issue: ..... Bernard I, vc. Toulouse ..... Ato II, vc. Rouergue ... Sicard ==> a quo the viscounts of Lautrec.

= Aissena * 840 A.D..


12.41. Bernard I Trencavel (comte d'Albi) * Albi, Tarn, Languedoc, France, bef 868 A.D.; + aft 918 A.D.. The following is excerpted from a post to soc.genealogy.medieval, 23 Nov 2001, by Nathaniel Taylor. 2. Bernat I, d. after 918, vc Albi; issue: ... Frotair, d. aft. 942, eps. Albi ... Ato I, d. aft. 937, vc Albi, who follows.

= [--?--] * Albi, Tarn, Languedoc, France, 910 A.D..


11.32. Bernard II Plantevelue (Comte d'Auvergne) * Uzes, Gard, Languedoc, France, 22 MAR 840/841; + Autun, Saone-et-Loire, Bourgogne, France, 886 A.D.. Bernard was Count of Aquitaine and the Auvergne, Marquis of Gothie, Count of Autun, Count of Rodez. Turton has Bernard's parents as Bernard d' Auvergne & Luitgard, who are actually parents of his wife Ermengarde. The following is a post-em by Curt Hofemann, curt_hofemann@yahoo.com: ID - I01374 Bernard II Plantevelue Comte d' Auvergne Bernard was Count of Aquitaine and the Auvergne, Marquis of Gothie, Count of Autun, Count of Rodez. As far as Count of Aquitaine, Ronald F. Malan in _The Genealogist_ vol. xi in an article titled: "The Ancestry of Dhouda, Duchess of Septamani" did state this. To my knowledge, Aquitaine in this period was a duchy not a county, the duke being Charles III son of Charles II king of Franks, HRE (grandson of Charlemagne). Note: I do not know if there was a "County of Aquitaine" within the duchy, but in this period of the beginnings of titles & meanings of same, I’d think it doubtful. As to where the sources of the titles you give: Bernard Plantevelue Count of Auvergne [Ref: Bouchard, ES III:731, Dillange, Keats-Rohan Family Trees p247, Nat Taylor 23 May 1997, Nat Taylor-Sant Wm p205-223] Count of Autun, Count of Auvergne and Rovergue, 872: Marquis of Toulouse [Ref: Moriarty p215] Barnard Hairyfoot, Count of Auvergne; styled Duke by 898 [Ref: McBride2] Note: considering that he died in 885/6… Marquis of Gothie; Count of Autun, Count of Rodez [Ref: CP II:731, Keats-Rohan Family Trees p211-267] Dillange = Michael Dillange, Les comtes de Poitou, ducs d'Aquitaine (778-1204), Geste Editions, Geste Editions, 1996. Regards, Curt

= Ermengarde d'Auvergne (de Chalons) figlia di Bernard I d'Auvergne (Comte d'Auvergne) e Liutgarde (Lieugardis) , * Chalons-sur-Marne, Marne, Champagne, France, 845 A.D.; + aft giu 881 A.D..


12.42. William d'Aquitaine ('le Pieux') (Duc d'Aquitaine) * Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, Midi-Pyrenees, France, 863 A.D.; + Aquitaine, France, giu 918 A.D..

= Ingelburga de Provence figlia di Boso II d'Autun de Vienne (King of Provence) (Comté de Vienne) e Trungard d'Alsace (Ermengarde) (Irmengarde) , * Autun, Saone-et-Loire, Bourgogne, France, 877 A.D.; + Aft JAN 916/917.

12.43. Ava d'Auvergne (Aba) (Abbess of Sauxillanges) * Auvergne, France, 865 A.D.; + aft 893 A.D..

= Hector d'Auvergne * Auvergne, France, 860 A.D..

12.44. Adelaide d'Auvergne * Lorvano, Auvergne, France, 867 A.D..

= Acfred I de Carcassonne (Comte de Carcassonne) figlio di Oliba II de Carcassonne (Comte de Carcassonne) e Richilda , * Carcassonne, Aude, Languedoc, France, 860 A.D.; + 935 A.D..

12.45. Raculfe de Macon * Macon, Saone-et-Loire, Bourgogne, France, 870 A.D.; + 920 A.D..

= [--?--] * Macon, Saone-et-Loire, Bourgogne, France, 892 A.D.; * Macon 897 A.D..


10.27. Sancia de Gascony

= Emeno (Jimeno?)


11.33. Arnaud duc de Gascony * 840 A.D.; + 884 A.D..


10.28. Aznar count of Fezensac 824 AD + aft 824 A.D..


9.14. Donat-Lupus de Bigorre (Conde de Bigorre) (Loupe) * Gascony, France, 785 A.D.; + aft 870 A.D..

= Faquilène de Bigorre figlia di Mancio de Bigorre (Comte de Bigorre) , * Bigorre, Spain, 785 A.D..


10.29. Lupus I de Bigorre (Conde de Bigorre) (Llop) * Bigorre, Spain, 820 A.D.; + aft 910 A.D..

= of Raymond I de Toulouse (Daughter) figlia di Raymond I de Rouergue (Comté de Toulouse et Rouergue) e Bertha de Reimes , * Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, Midi-Pyrenees, France, 845 A.D..


11.34. Ramon I de Ribagorza (Conde de Paliares & Ribagorza) * Ribagorza, Spain, 860 A.D.; + aft 920 A.D..

= Guinegenta Asnarez figlia di Aznar Dato , * Spain 855 A.D..


12.46. Bernard I de Ribagorza (Conde de Ribagorza) * Ribagorza, Spain, 880 A.D.; + aft 950 A.D..

= Tota Galindez d'Aragon figlia di Galindo Aznarez II d'Aragon (Conde d'Aragon 893-922) e Acibella de Gascony , * 890 A.D..


11.35. Dato II de Bigorre (Conde de Bigorre) * Bigorre, Spain, 887 A.D.; + 940 A.D..

= Lupa Sanchez de Navarre illegittimate figlia di Sancho I Garces ('El Reparador') (King of Navarre - 905-925) De Pampalona * Pamplona, Navarre, Spain, 900 A.D..


12.47. Ramon de Bigorre (Raymund) (Conde de Bigorre) * Bigorre, Spain, 920 A.D.; + aft 956 A.D..

= Garsinde d'Astarac (Tachilène) (Faquilène) figlia di Renaldo d'Astarac (Conde d'Astarab) , * Spain 925 A.D.; + 960 A.D..

12.48. Oriol de Bigorre Vicomte d'Aure + aft 990 A.D..

= Garsinde d'Astarac (Tachilène) (Faquilène) figlia di Renaldo d'Astarac (Conde d'Astarab) , * Spain 925 A.D.; + 960 A.D..


9.15. daughter of Lupus de Gascony

= Aznar Galindez I conte d'Aragon abt 809-825 AD (Conde d'Aragon - 809-839) (Comte de Gascogne) (Urgel) (Jaca) (& Cerdagne) figlio di Galindo d'Aragon , * Aragon, Spain, 775 A.D.; + Gascony, France, 839 A.D..


10.30. of Aznar Galindez I d'Aragon (Daughter) * Aragon, Spain, 788 A.D..

= Sancho Lupus (Duc de Gascony) figlio di Lupus IV Centull de Gascony (Loup) (Duc de Gascony) e Numabela de Cantabria , * Gascony, France, 772 A.D.; + Aragon, Spain, 816 A.D..


11.36. Sancho I de Gascony (Duc de Gascony 852 D) * Spain 803 A.D.; + 864 A.D..

= [--?--] * Spain 830 A.D..


12.49. Sancho II de Gascony (Duc de Gascony) (Mitarra?) * Spain 830 A.D..

= Galindez d'Aragon figlia di Galindo Aznarez I d'Aragon (Conde d'Aragon - 844-867) e Guldregut , * Aragon, Spain, 832 A.D..

12.50. Garcia


11.37. Dhuoda de Gascony (Duchess of Septimanie) * Gascony, France, 804 A.D.; + Aft 2 FEB 842/843. Turton has Bernard's wife as Duodene, a daughter of Charlemagne, the marriage date being 824.

= Bernard I de Toulouse (Comte d'Autun et Toulouse) (Margrave de Septimanie) figlio di San Guglielmo (Saint William I d'Autun) ('of the Desert') (Comte de Toulouse) (Margrave de Septimanie) e Witburge von Hornbach (Guitberge) (____) de Gellone, * Autun, Saone-et-Loire, Bourgogne, France, 794 A.D.; + Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, Midi-Pyrenees, France, mag 844 A.D.; sep. St. Sernin, Toulouse.


12.51. Rogelinde d'Rouergue (Rosalinda) (Sancha) * Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, Midi-Pyrenees, France, 825 A.D.; + 3 mag 886 A.D..

= Wulgrin I Tallifer de Perigord (vediulgrin) (1st Comte d'Angouleme - 866-886) figlio di Ulrich I von Argengau (Count of Argengau & Linzgau) e Suzanna de Paris , * Maine, Normandy, France, 820 A.D.; + Angouleme, Charente, Poitou-Charentes, France, 3 mag 886 A.D..

12.52. Aton Trencavel d'Albi (vediicomte de Rouergue) * Sauveterre de Rouergue, Languedoc, France, 830 A.D.; + Albi, Tarn, Languedoc, aft 867 A.D.. The following is excerpted from a post to soc.genealogy.medieval, 23 Nov 2001, by Nathaniel Taylor. From - Nathaniel Taylor (ntaylor@post.harvard.edu) Subject - Trencavel Newsgroups - soc.genealogy.medieval Date - 2001-11-23 13:34:39 PST Responding to Rania's interest, the following is the Trencavel agnate lineage, as represented in tables by the Catalan genealogist Armand de Fluvia i Escorsa in two tables (s.v. ?Nimesฃ and ?Carcasonaฃ) in the multi-volume _Gran enciclopedia catalana_. I present it here as the Trencavel dynasty isnฃt easily found in other compilations. Note the odd numbering conventions: numbers are consecutive in various viscounties, applied to repetitions of two names together, not separately. This family, like that of the counts of Toulouse, was dispossessed in the wake of the Albigensian Crusade. I make no claim to accuracy, but itฃs a start. 1. Ato I, d. after 867, vc Rouergue ? Aissena; issue: ... Bernat I, d. after 918, vc Albi, who follows. ... Bigo I, vc. Tououse ... Ato I, vc. Toulouse ? Ava (of Auvergne?); their issue: ..... Bernard I, vc. Toulouse ..... Ato II, vc. Rouergue ... Sicard ==> a quo the viscounts of Lautrec.

= Aissena * 840 A.D..

12.53. Bernard II Plantevelue (Comte d'Auvergne) * Uzes, Gard, Languedoc, France, 22 MAR 840/841; + Autun, Saone-et-Loire, Bourgogne, France, 886 A.D.. Bernard was Count of Aquitaine and the Auvergne, Marquis of Gothie, Count of Autun, Count of Rodez. Turton has Bernard's parents as Bernard d' Auvergne & Luitgard, who are actually parents of his wife Ermengarde. The following is a post-em by Curt Hofemann, curt_hofemann@yahoo.com: ID - I01374 Bernard II Plantevelue Comte d' Auvergne Bernard was Count of Aquitaine and the Auvergne, Marquis of Gothie, Count of Autun, Count of Rodez. As far as Count of Aquitaine, Ronald F. Malan in _The Genealogist_ vol. xi in an article titled: "The Ancestry of Dhouda, Duchess of Septamani" did state this. To my knowledge, Aquitaine in this period was a duchy not a county, the duke being Charles III son of Charles II king of Franks, HRE (grandson of Charlemagne). Note: I do not know if there was a "County of Aquitaine" within the duchy, but in this period of the beginnings of titles & meanings of same, I’d think it doubtful. As to where the sources of the titles you give: Bernard Plantevelue Count of Auvergne [Ref: Bouchard, ES III:731, Dillange, Keats-Rohan Family Trees p247, Nat Taylor 23 May 1997, Nat Taylor-Sant Wm p205-223] Count of Autun, Count of Auvergne and Rovergue, 872: Marquis of Toulouse [Ref: Moriarty p215] Barnard Hairyfoot, Count of Auvergne; styled Duke by 898 [Ref: McBride2] Note: considering that he died in 885/6… Marquis of Gothie; Count of Autun, Count of Rodez [Ref: CP II:731, Keats-Rohan Family Trees p211-267] Dillange = Michael Dillange, Les comtes de Poitou, ducs d'Aquitaine (778-1204), Geste Editions, Geste Editions, 1996. Regards, Curt

= Ermengarde d'Auvergne (de Chalons) figlia di Bernard I d'Auvergne (Comte d'Auvergne) e Liutgarde (Lieugardis) , * Chalons-sur-Marne, Marne, Champagne, France, 845 A.D.; + aft giu 881 A.D..


11.38. Sancia de Gascony

= Emeno (Jimeno?)


12.54. Arnaud duc de Gascony * 840 A.D.; + 884 A.D..


11.39. Aznar count of Fezensac 824 AD + aft 824 A.D..


10.31. Matrona Aznarez * 795 A.D..

= Garcia conte d'Aragon 825 AD "el Malo" figlio di Galindo nobilis Gascony 781 AD e Faquilo , * 790 A.D.; + abt 824 A.D..


11.40. Galindo conte de Aragon 828-833 * abt 810 A.D.; + abt 867 A.D..

11.41. Garcia de Pamplona * abt 815 A.D.; + 859 A.D..

= Aurea figlia di Musa e Assona INIGUEZ


12.55. Aurea II de Pamplona * abt 830 A.D..

= Fortun Garces king of Pamplona 882-905 AD "el Monje" figlio di Garcia Ier Ieliguez Ieliga e Urraca Gimenez (d'Aragon) de Larraun-Pampelune, * 830 A.D.; + aft 905 A.D..

12.56. Musa de Pamplona * 835 A.D.; + aft 859 A.D..


10.32. Centulle Aznarez * 800 A.D.; + 825 A.D..

10.33. Galindo Aznarez I d'Aragon (Conde d'Aragon - 844-867) * Aragon, Spain, 803 A.D.; + 867 A.D..

= Guldregut * Spain 810 A.D..


11.42. Galindez d'Aragon * Aragon, Spain, 832 A.D..

= Sancho II de Gascony (Duc de Gascony) (Mitarra?) figlio di Sancho I de Gascony (Duc de Gascony 852 D) , * Spain 830 A.D..


12.57. Garcia Sanchez de Gascony ('the Curved') (Comte de Gascony) * Gascony, France, 857 A.D.; + Gascony 920 A.D..

= Aminia d'Angouleme (Munia) (Honoured) figlia di Wulgrin I Tallifer de Perigord (vediulgrin) (1st Comte d'Angouleme - 866-886) e Rogelinde d'Rouergue (Rosalinda) (Sancha) , * Angouleme, Charente, Poitou-Charentes, France, 860 A.D..


11.43. Aznar Galindo II d'Aragon (Conde d'Aragon - 867-893) * Aragon, Spain, 845 A.D.; + 893 A.D..

= Oneca de Pamplona figlia di Garcia I Iniguez I (King of Navarre & Aragon) e Uracca de Pamplona , * Pamplona, Navarre, Spain, 855 A.D..


12.58. Galindo Aznarez II d'Aragon (Conde d'Aragon 893-922) * Aragon, Spain, 875 A.D.; + 922 A.D.; + 922 A.D..

= Acibella de Gascony figlia di Garcia Sanchez de Gascony ('the Curved') (Comte de Gascony) e Aminia d'Angouleme (Munia) (Honoured) , * Gascony, France, 875 A.D.; + Aragon, Spain, 903 A.D..

= Sancha Garcez de Pamplona figlia di Garcia Jimenez de Pamplona (King of Navarre) e Onecca Rebella de Sanguesa (Iniga) , * Pamplona, Navarre, Spain, 875 A.D..

= Sancha Garcés De Navarre


10.34. Garcia Aznares de Comminges (Comte de Comminges) * Comminges, Haute Garonne, Midi Pyrenees, France, 805 A.D.; + 870 A.D..

= [--?--] * Comminges, Haute Garonne, Midi Pyrenees, France, 831 A.D..


11.44. Aznar II de Comminges (Comte de Comminges) * Comminges, Haute Garonne, Midi Pyrenees, France, 831 A.D.; + 905 A.D..

= [--?--] * Comminges, Haute Garonne, Midi Pyrenees, France, 860 A.D..


12.59. Loup-Aznar de Comminges (Comte de Comminges) * Comminges, Haute Garonne, Midi Pyrenees, France, 860 A.D..

= [--?--] * Comminges, Aude, Languedoc, France, 885 A.D..


10.35. Eilona Aznarez + abt 863 A.D..

10.36. Tota or Toda Aznarez

= Inigo Iniguez Arista king of Pamplona 825 figlio di Jimeno chef Gascon 781 de Pamplona (Jimeno Sanchez de Navarre 'El Fuerte') e Iniga Lupus de Gascony , * 770 A.D.; + 852 A.D..


11.45. daughter of Inigo Arista de Pamplona * 810 A.D..

= Garcia conte d'Aragon 825 AD "el Malo" figlio di Galindo nobilis Gascony 781 AD e Faquilo , * 790 A.D.; + abt 824 A.D..

11.46. Assona INIGUEZ * abt 810 A.D..

= Musa II al Qasawi Chief of the Banu Qasi "Wali" (Governor of Toledo 841 and Zaragoza 852-862 AD) figlio di Musa I ibn Fortun Chief of the Banu Qasi's "Wali" (Governor de Zaragoza) , * abt 785 A.D.; + 26 set 862 A.D..


12.60. Mutarrif governor of Toledo * 830 A.D.; + 873 A.D..

= Velasquita figlia di Sanchez King of Pamplona 867 AD e N d' (aragon) ____, * 850 A.D.; + aft 870 A.D..

12.61. Aurea

= Garcia de Pamplona figlio di Garcia e Matrona Aznarez , * abt 815 A.D.; + 859 A.D..

12.62. Loup (Lope) (Lupo) (Lupus)

12.63. Fortun

12.64. Muhammad Governor de Toledo "Wali"

= [--?--]


11.47. Garcia I Iniguez king of Pamplona 852 * 811 A.D.; + 882 A.D..

= Urraca de Leon


12.65. Fortun Garces king of Pamplona 882-905 AD "el Monje" * 830 A.D.; + aft 905 A.D..

= Aurea II de Pamplona figlia di Garcia de Pamplona e Aurea , * abt 830 A.D..

12.66. Sanchez King of Pamplona 867 AD * abt 830 A.D.; + aft 872 A.D..

= N d' aragon

12.67. Iniga * 835 A.D..

= Aznar d' Aragon

= Leodegundia de Leon


11.48. Galindo transfugee 844 ad * 815 A.D.; + aft 851 A.D..

= [--?--] * 835 A.D..


12.68. Musa Ben Galindo "Wali" (Governor de Huesca 860-870 AD) * 835 A.D.; + 870 A.D..

= Emir de Huesca


3.3. Jean abbe de Langres abt 510 AD + aft 510 A.D..





1.      La Noblesse du Midi carolingien: Etudes sur quelques grandes familles d’Aquitaine et de Languedoc du IX au XI si่cle (Toulousain, Perigord , Limousin , Poitou , Auvergne) , Oxford , 2004, ISBN 1-900934-04-3




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